Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Chariot

The folks just bought me this awesome new ride; which I shall heretofore refer to as "my chariot".

I was a little awkward at first because of the flexing fabric floor.

However, after installing a pillow, and coaxing with copious treats, I've found it to be quite cozy.

Farm Factories

"As to the oft repeated claim that industrial animal agriculture provides cheap food, this is only cheap at the cash register - significant costs such as cleaning up pollution and increased health care costs in CAFO areas are 'externalized' - that is, passed on to the public as taxes."

"If we are to evolve beyond the modern industrialized animal factory mindset, we must universally adopt a worldview that puts the health and care of all involved in the food production system above short-term profits and cheap calories at any cost."

Sunday, June 5, 2011


The mister picked ten pounds of sweet cherries today! I'm not so keen on them so I'll wait for the brandy.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Royal Revamp

As if they didn't have enough distractions already, my house-mates have now acquired yet another bicycle to fix up. This time it's a 1960's Royal.  Pretty swank but definitely not better than the dog park.

The Royal has a 3-Speed Sturmey Archer internal shifter straight from the U.K. In fact, every part of the bike is labeled "Made in England" which is pretty brilliant. (That's a lie actually, the tires are from Austria).  

 The seat will be reupholstered.
And stupid electrical tape gunk removed. Seriously, who wraps a bike in electrical tape?


The people went to see CATS! last night at Popejoy. What could possibly possess them to want to watch a bunch of faux-felines dance about I'm not sure. I think it might have something to do with the big hair, spandex, and leg warmers.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Life of a Dog

Contrary to popular belief, the mind of a dog is not so simple as "Eat, Play, Eat, Sleep." In fact, we canines, when given the opportunity, often quarrel much as you do and gossip over the best new tricks for acquiring real food. Not only do I, myself, practice acrobatics, but I've also gained a keen interest in the necessary skills for breaking-and-exiting. In short, the life of a dog is nothing short of vibrant. Add to this a pair of eccentric, velophile, dirt children and what you get is something quite extraordinary!